Jack Underkofler – Dead Poet Society
Jack from Dead Poet Society. Jack is my friend. You know, like an actual friend, which isn’t easy to come by as an adult. When you’re a kid, you can just say, “Hey, you’re neat. Wanna play?” But as an adult, speaking that way would make you sound unhinged, even if you secretly want to. […]

Jason McMaster – Dangerous Toys
Jason McMaster – Dangerous Toys I first saw Jason performing with his band Dangerous Toys years ago in Austin at the now defunct Backroom. They had a couple of hit songs, were an MTV darling, and, to this day, continue to be part of the festival circuit. I’ve since seen him a number of times […]

Ian Moore
Ian Moore If you call Texas home and have never heard of Ian Moore, you may as well hang your hat under a rock. Ian has been playing guitar better than most for as long as I can remember. His self-titled record, Ian Moore is a must. I quite like the song Blue Sky because I find […]

Vivian Campbell – Dio to Def Leppard
Vivian Campbell – From Dio to Def Leppard The neat little thing about this blog is that I get to be a fanboy – a dorky-fanboy, who is lucky enough to talk with people that I admire. Those of you that have read any of my writing or books know that I love music, so […]

Badass – Bass Player: Leland Sklar
Bass Player – Leland Sklar I’ve known about Leland Sklar my entire adult life. Even so, I googled him and there is a mountain of info. So, I’m not going to tell you how great of a musician he is or how successful he’s been. You can find that out for yourself. I’m generally not […]

Wizard and Record Producer: Matt Wallace
Record Producer – Matt Wallace Some folks are born with fire in their bellies. You might not recognize it at first, as some part of you screams out at the continual injustice in the world, but for some, it’s always there. I suspect that if there’s a God it’s that feeling you get when your soul […]

Trever Keith From Face to Face
Greetings from the Other Side of the Graveyard… Good news…I may have found someone to read the audio version of Dragon and Mr. Sneeze: Charli’s Story without it costing a fortune. I’m not holding my breath, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed. In the mean time I reached out to Trever Keith from the band “Face to […]

Death of Empathy
Empathy fascinates me. It’s free, can give everyone a high and has no known negative side effects. Yet all too often its potential for transforming somebody’s day is overlooked. Why? When I started writing Charli’s story from the perspective of my alter ego, Blue Skeleton, I wanted to explore what happens when someone pours their […]

Scott Shiflett from Face to Face
This week I’m talking with Scott Shiflett from the punk rock band Face to Face. I find punk rockers are an interesting bunch. Why? Because I’m a huge fan of the DIY approach to life. Punkers are famously headstrong and often go after what they want without waiting for an invitation by what has become known […]

Macy Gray: You know who she is
There is no simple way to describe her. She’s crazy talented, a little crazy, very shy, and smarter than you would expect. Way smarter! I got to know her in the late ‘90s, spilling into the early 2000s, as we toured around the world together. Her record, “On How Life Is” exploded, eventually selling over […]